Hey there!!!!
I finish this pic a few weeks ago, but i wanted to post it with all my other Tekken artworks but my other pics needs to wait a little longer, since i am finishing much more important pics for now and i didnt wanted to leave this one collecting dust around my folders....also i am start to not liking this pic too much, soo before i start hate it, here it is!!!
I really love Chris Redfield, hes awesome, but serisully, WHERE IS THE MIGUEL ART??!!!! Hes just soo perfect in Tekken 6!!! He must be the next Chris Redfield from the yaoi bara world >_>!! Soo i demand you guys to draw him o0o^!!!!!!!!!!!
Just if you draw him , please make him nude o_o, i wish i draw him nude <_<.....i was brave enough (stupid enough)to draw all the design on his pants and boots and belt thingy by hand...and color them o_O, seriuslly i spent A LOT more time drawing the pants than the actual character or the background o___________________o
Oh also, please dont look at the background, its really horrible D=
Soo yhea...i demand more Miguel art o0o!!!!!!!
Looks good to me, and I'm lovin' his body hair... even his pubes around that tasty cock of his *yum!
Body hair its a lot of fun to draw xD!!!! Pretty much everything was a lot of fun to draw...minus the clothes o-o
You're such a masochist. lol
Now that is quite hot! :D
Actually, I think it's great you put the pants on, it suits his character way better then just nakedness ;)
Thanks a lot!!!
Yhea, the pants...the bull fighter pants are just too sexy to be left behind xD
Ohhhhh, now I get it why you only post half way xDDDD Hahahaha.
Btw, I'm takahatsumeia90 on dA. I approve this artwork.
I think I'm gonna draw him. >:3
Yhea, i cant post this on DA sadly!!! But i still wanted to show him on DA somehow, i spent a lot of time in this one <_<
You should deffinetly draw him x3
Well, I saw some naked arts O_O and it's of Miguel. It's more like a figure sketch. I think. You should check it out. You could give it the option for maturity or something if you wanna submit this art on dA. XD
I'm going to draw him soon but I won't draw him naked. I CAN'T DRAW NAKED PEOPLE! -yet- XDDDDDD Need to practice more on muscles though. o_o after seeing yours, I think I'm gonna die trying to draw Miguel's muscles.
He sure had his fun time with himself after a bullfight. >:3
I saw those arts too o_o but this one is more naugthy and sexual than those xD, i dunno if they can let me upload this one....
Yhea, draw his muscles is a neat experience, and draw him like "this" is even a more fun experience xD but take a chance with the clothed Miguel first!!!!
I am sure he have lots of fun while we dont watch it, hes a bad boy >=D
Oh yes, this is indeed sexy and naughty. Well, I can't help on it, I'm still innocent on posting this kind of stuffs. ;D Did I just say still innocent? XD
Of course, I'm gonna draw a clothed Miguel. I don't think I'll be able to take it drawing him naked. 8D
Indeed. >:D He needs some spanking for that.
hola guapo soy de Gay Barcelona Porn 3, dijiste que queria saber mas sobre este chico http://gaybarcelonaporn3.blogspot.com/2009/12/imaginaros-dormir-en-esos-pectorales.html
Pues un compañero del blog ha encontrado este video de la sesion de fotos.
Un besooooooooooooooooooo
Woaaaa, muchas gracias jaja, lastima que es corto el video pero es genial el material x3
guapote... se ve muy antojable..
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