I had a lot of fun with this one as well!!! Snow is soo easy to draw (i dunno if thats a good thing or not xDDDD) and now.....i have a new Snow wallpaper ;3
This guy is one of the reasons i liked FF XIII, hes just ....HAWT D: and once he starts to say hes a hero and show his dumb smile, hes soo cute and silly x3!!!! The only thing i didnt liekd about him was Sera, she deservs to be a Cie´t stone D:
Anyways, like i say earlyer, i had fun doing this and i really tried HARD to make this looks just like one of the scenes of the game. This scene in the game is...just...awesome *drool* in HD and with all those details!!!! Snow skin texture is soo....nice *_* tougth while drawing this i was soo tempted to add some blonde fur on his chest and armpits, that would be soo sexy *0* but hes clean...soo no hair, sorry xD So tell me wath you think!!!!
Also, i got other 2 wips with Snow and Gadot, soo theres gnna be more FF XIII art you like it or not >:T and...i dunno wath else to say. I am going keep drawing to upload more soon Dx
PD. my birthday was a few weeks ago!!! If someone still wants to give me a present, i want THIS!!!! He dosnt have his coat but ill get one for him, i will take care of him and give him a safe home *_*
EDIT: Oh god!!!!! The image looks awfull D:!!!!!! If you want to se eit in good wuality, head over to my Y! GALLERY PAGE
nicely done, I like his glance and smile!
About your birthday gift...hum, if you have it, do you share your toys? ;)
me encanto como trabajaste el color en esta!y los trazos estan perfectos, keep the good work ;D
really well done! i like that you worked so much on his expression (it matches how he looks in game perfect!) and the bandages were a good choice. amazing work! :)
eeks: Thanks, glad you like him! Of course i share, toys like this are always fun ;D
KNK: Muchas gracias! Siempre mi color se ve bastante plano y sin chiste pero esta vez si se ve mas integro con el personaje xD
Semangelof: Hi again! Thanks!!! His expresion is soo unique....and omehow woo easy to draw too, i am glad i manage to catch it xD
jejejejeje esta bueno
y sus vendajes están tan ajustados a su cuerpo... ñami :P
Muchas gracias xp
Sie los vendajes son...puro fanservice para acentuarlo xD
Por favor pon mas fotos de snow... Soy un gran fanatico.no sabes todas las que me e corrido mirando fotos de el masturbandose.... Porfi pon mas.
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