Wednesday, August 6, 2014


My confidence is in the lowest levels possible.

I was talking with someone about commissions and i said i would ask 20$ for a finished picture and he told me it was too much. Then i asked around how much does people would pay for my work and they say: nothing or 10$ as the higest price.

I never considered myself a good artist but i never expect my work was worth only 10$ to other people…


Busiris said...

For the record, whoever said that is a major asshole. I hope you know that. Don't let their crappy scope of the worth of art diminish your enthusiasm for doing it.

Lorenzo Ridolfi said...

Do not be downhearted by the negative reviews, many people do not understand anything about art.
You are a great artist and your works are worth much more than ten dollars.

vicma215 said...

that so b.s. now if you charge 10 that should be just for a sketch you should charge more cause if you color it give it as background it takes time and energy. Don't listen to these jerk offs there are some peeps how are just miserable and take joy in taking people down and these guys are very sad individuals. Never let anyone else tell you different I always got your back hugs

Turtle said...

You are a great artist. Do not ever let anybody tell you otherwise. For that one person who would not pay $20 for a commission is ridiculous. To me your art is priceless!

Andrew Cogburn said...

People are like that, they expect they can treat artists like we're whores and get everything for free, or 99% discount. When they do this just smile and laugh at them, then charge them triple.

cutemuscle said...

Stick with your fix price. For me, Artwork doesn't have worth but hardwork has.

DEVILMAN said...

Thank you people!! At times i feel like humans dosnt like my stuff anymore and this kind of things just convince me about it.
But i guess is normal to get this reaction since no one is gonna apreciate the hardwork art means, except us who draws it.
I guess we dont have other people give a value to our art, we are the ones who ive it a value after all

Gigan said...

Seeing this only now and that's stupid. Your art was already awesome by the time I met you on y!G and you improved a lot. Your style is awesome, and you shouldn't listen to these jerks. Hell, seeing how much effort and time you put in your works, 20$ is ridicously affordable.

You're a great artist man ! o/

yaoi rabbit said...

Hey, it's been awhile since I heard from you. As for commissions, I've seen people charge $50. And that's just for line art. Coloring will cost you an additional $25. I actually think what you're charging is too low. You're a good enough artist that your asking price should be more than $20. For anyone who wants to be cheap and pay less than that, don't do business with them.

Gay Straight Porn said...

so sexy, so lustful.