Monday, November 22, 2010


..... i post my next picture and someone jumps and says "Oh its Naruto :D" or " Oh Sora ^^".......................

Well, i am not gonna be angry but really sad cus that means i failed portraying the character >_>

Anyway, just to say i am going to post a couple of works soon and a collab as well and i want to rant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am doign a background!!!! Serisully, i want to travel in time a few hours in the future to have the background finished D:!!!! I been drawing rocks for quite some time and it feels like i bene doing it for hours >________________<

Backgrounds......are mostly ignored but if they are not present, you notice the "void" or "emptynes" >_< why they are soo boring too do and soo har and yet soo nedeed ;o;!!!!!!!!

To all you good people and people who do comics, how do you do it ;0;!!!!!???????

Also another thing i want to talk about. When i color i usually add.....many shadows, shades and colors in between soo i usually have 5-7 versions on of one single color on a picture o_o this can be seen better in this example:

Dosnt looks too busy? For my next picture i am taking it more simple, adding only a shadow and a shade without anything in between xD i dunn but....looks more clean to me. I dont want to have a quality droop o_o soo all the trades and requests are going to have crazy amount of colors xD soo i am going to use the more simplistic look in art for me. Wath do you guys think o_o???


Anonymous said...

oh... he's Naruto !... just joking :)

looks really hard to paint that way. But the results are great. Really love it.

DEVILMAN said...

Hi Naruto Uzumaki xD

The guy i am drawing....have a similar hair style of Naruto and Sora form KH but hes not any of them D: i hope i am able to portrait him xD

Thanks!!! Is......not hard but needs a lot of patience xD

Leon Yabuki said...

Es verdad, los fondos son lo mas aburrido, pero muchas veces practicamente lo mas importante que tenes que hacer!
A mi me pasa que desde que estoy experimentando con PS vs PaintT.S., estoy descubriendo mas facilidades para hacerlos. Aunque con TANTAS opciones, se me quema la cabeza (tengo un limite you know).
Lo viste a Dongsaeang? El "pinta" los fondos, casi sin necesitar lineas. Se me hace que es mas facil...^-^ (Todavia no lo intente)

Leon Yabuki said...

Jeje...che...Que te parece un Art-Trade? Me encantaria una Bayonetta Sexy (tranqui, nada porno). :D Tell if you like the Idea ;D

DEVILMAN said...

Saludos Yabuki!!!!!

A mi....creo que aun no se usar todas las herramientas en su totalidad tampoco adema ssolo se usar photoshop xDDDD el estilo de Dong puede ser mas facil, no pongo de nervios si no tengo un lineart que seguir >_>

Un art trade suena bien!!!! Ahora ando algo ocupado asi que me tomara tiempo. da ideas x3