He did the sketch and i add the colors and he helped me a lot in there!!! Drawing water was pretty difficult >_< but Karu gives me a lot of tips and guided me. Wish i could paint like he does it D: i am not entirelly happy with the water but he was very patient with me xDDD
He can be found in Y! Gallery http://www.y-gallery.net/user/karulox/ and there he have links to all his other sites :D
Gracias Karu por el dibujo *0*!!
And i just get the platinum trophy of Asura´s Wrath! Yay!!! The game have room for improvement but it was pretty awesome and damn fullfilling. Awesome character design (something new games forget...) and a very fresh and unique gameplay.
I dont know how Capcom publish the game tough and yet it have more important series in they basment, locked in the cell (Drakstalkers, Rival Schools) but i hope they stop doing useless RE games and they do more new series like Asura´s Wrath
1/4 of the game comes as DLC tough....and i doubt we get an Asura´s Wrath 2 ;_; but its a pretty special and neat game if you ever wanted to see a fusion of God of War, Dragon Ball and Gurren Lagan :D
1/4th of the game is downloadable content? Dang...I was hyped to get this, but after reading that comment, forget about it. I think that answers our questions about why Capcom doesn't focus more on original ideas and bring back old series. The old Capcom is dead. This game is certainly a glitter of hope, but not much more then Godhand I guess? Excellent picture by Karulox nonetheless!
When i see the ending i was soo....innocent, and i was "oh they are going to do an Asuras Wrath 2 o_o?" but yes....the game have 19 chapters and they are going to release 8 chapters as DLC..that makes 1/4 of the game o_o
I guess Capcom would not release this game if it didnt had someway to get more money out of it xDDD
Maybe they are going to make an Asura´s Wrath Ultimate edition o_o?
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