I love you soo much Kojima °3°!!!!! *turns on the PSP and the whole world disapeare*
And to probe i am still doing art EVEN with MGS out, i post a little teaser xD
Yessss...i still like FF XIII °u°
HEY! We are both MGS Special edition buddies! <3 We both got the special edition. THOUGH I don't dare open the artbook yet. :U Heeey, possible spoilers. It even warns you! lol I wanna wait until I beat the game. :3
Oh and is that your bandanna? Yours looks nicer than mone, but mine is camo colored! :3
Oh and I don't hate FFXIII. I just dislike it strongly! <3 XD
Yhea thats my bandana xD is all black and cool....and the boklet is on spanish too (a really bad spanish tougth...) i feel liek Kojima is finally noticing theres more countrys just under USA o_o
I opened my book and the only spoilers there are the scenarios and some small screenshots, soo i am sure you can navigate all safe in the characters section xD
Oh i can se the hand of Bu 0o0
XD The hand of Bu!!!!!
Oh yeah, I know my everything in here is in multiple languages. I didn't know it was badly written though. XD I hate that because it makes the manual look much larger than it is!!
Maybe I'll open it. XD We shall see!
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