Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Wath o_o? Am update??? Soo fast??!!!! Yes i know D: i am scared too

This pic if for the extra-sexy JAVY from Y gallery!!!!!

Speaking about different character designs o_o i ahd a lot of fun doing this actually!!!!! The non human features are very cool and those colors are a lot of fun to use!!!! I never colored a character that emits light xD

Also theres no background...and the ironic part is that it looks better than my pics with background :B anyway, i hope Javy likes it x3!!!!!

And in a change of themes

RE REVELATIONS trailer!!!!!

OMG theres a Chris. A shirtles Chris. A shirtles and tied Chris. A shirtles and tied bondage evil Chris!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111111111111111oneoneoneoneoneone

I really hope they dont make a clone of Chris...i hope is some kind of shape changing monster or comething....but even soo i am excited about it

Bondage Chris......damn >_>


daniel.elruso said...

Que bueno el dibujo de XENON DEVILMAN!!
Jajajaa, me gustan mucho tus posts y los comentarios que haces en ellos, estilo éste último acerca de Resident Evil!! jajjajaa
Un besote muy grande.

Brownie-Studio said...

esta muy bueno tu dibujo, yo estoy comenzando a practicar para poder hacer dibujos asi


KNK said...

independientemente de lo bien que dibujas tener un glowstick en el pene ha de ser muy chistoso!

keep working like that ;D

eeks said...

nice work! as you said, it's cool to draw sometimes non human characters, it's a good chalenge to train on new shapes and colors...
I like the lighting effects on his cock, that's quite fun.

Gigan said...

That character looks good ! I love the light on his dick ! :D~ That would be fun to see it into somebody else ! x3
For his head... :| He's scaring meh... D:

...and for Chris & Chris² => :D~

DEVILMAN said...

Saludos Daniel!!! Gracias por tu visita xD me alegra que te gustara el dibujo y mis comentarios sin relacion alguna (eso es lo divertido xD)

Lynch, gracias!!!! Pues a practicar que me voy a dar una vuelta a tu blog!!!

KNK, debe ser muy util tambien para manejos en la oscuridad o_o

Eeks, yup, this kind of unusual characters are a lot of fun!!!!

Gigan, the glow on his p33nor would be usefull at night but he cant hide with all that light xD

I agree, his looks are really disturbing xD